July 30, 2010

30. '29. The Game' Contd...

Once the color has been set, the round (for which the bid was made) begins...

                     Dealer (team 1)

Third (team 2)                                First (team 2)

                    Second (team 1)

There are a few things which I missed out:
1. If the first player gets all 4 pointless cards, he returns the cards to the dealer and the dealer distributes again. 
2. The cards 1-5 and jokers are kept in a stack (initially open so that they don't get mixed with the other cards and later on closed after setting the color.)

Before starting off playing the round, if any player has all the 4 Jacks, the dealer distributes again and the bid happens again. 

Also there is a concept of single hand, where one player claims to defeat the players of the opposite team single handedly. Say the first player is playing single hand. In that case all the cards of the third player are dropped and hidden from all the three players and the first player plays with the dealer and second player. All that the dealer and the second player need to do is catch a hand. There is no color in single hand. Its a game of superiority wherein (J>9>A>10>K>Q>8>7).  

Now, say everything is normal and the third player won the bid at 21. Therefore, in the above scenario team 2 has to make 19 points and team 1 has to prevent them from doing so. 

The round starts with the first player getting to play first. The first player puts 1 card of his 8 cards (typically a J or a pointless card, if he doesnt have a J). Then the second player plays. 

Say the first player played a J of hearts, then the second player has to play a card of hearts, if he has it (Suppose the second player has a hearts card, he would typically play the pointless one, as J would likely win a hand.) If the second player does not have a card of the suit hearts, he can ask to see the color. In this case the third player who had set the color, reveals the color to all. 

Say the color is clubs. Then the second player to win must play a clubs. Let's say the second player played 7 clubs over J hearts. This 7 clubs is superior to J hearts at present, as clubs is the color.

Then the third player plays. If he has cards of hearts, he has to play hearts. If he too does not have hearts, he can take the hand, which was going to the second player by playing a clubs card of value higher than that played by the second player. 

Say the third player too does not have hearts and plays 8 clubs.

The hand now is in the favor of the third player. as 8 > 7

The dealer should have a card of the suit hearts. Or else the first player has all the cards of the same suit, in which case the round is cancelled. The round is also cancelled if any player has all 8 pointless cards. The round is also cancelled if a team has all the color cards.

Say the dealer plays 10 hearts. So the hand goes to the third player and he gets to play first. The team 2 now has 4 points (J (3) + 10 (1)).

At this point, if any 1 player of team 2 has both K & Q of clubs (color pair) he can show it to reduce the bid from 21 to 17. 

Say the last hand went to the second player (J hearts, 7 clubs, 7 hearts, 9 hearts) instead and any 1 player of team 1 has the pair. In that case, they can show it to raise the bid to 25.  The bid difference on showing pairs is given below:

  • 17 - K,Q no significance
  • 18 - K,Q no significance
  • 19 - K,Q no significance  
  • 20 - K,Q self (-3 to 17) opposite (+3 to 23)
  • 21 - K,Q self (-4 to 17) opposite (+4 to 25)
  • 22 - K,Q self (-4 to 18) opposite (+4 to 26)
  • 23 - K,Q self (-4 to 19) opposite (+4 to 27)
  • 24 - K,Q self (-4 to 20) opposite (+4 to 28)
  • 25 - K,Q self (-4 to 21) opposite (+4 to 29)
  • 26 - K,Q self (-4 to 22) opposite (+3 to 29)
  • 27 - K,Q self (-4 to 23) opposite (+2 to 29)
  • 28 - K,Q self (-4 to 24) opposite (+1 to 29)
  • 29 - K,Q self (-4 to 25) 

Each round has 8 hands to be played. The player who wins the hand gets to play first in the next hand. Like in the above case third played would have got.

At the end of the round, points of each hand a team has won is counted. Say team 2 got 5 hands and made 23. Then it won the round and its score increases by 2 (as 21 is generally a autodouble.) If autodouble is set at 22, team 2's score increases by 1. If say autodouble was set at 21 and team 2 had taken a re-double then team 2's score would have increased by 4. 

Else it would have been -1, -2 or -4, as the case be. 

The score is reflected by showing as may diamonds of (6 clubs 6 diamonds) as the case be. So if it is 1, 1 diamond of 6 diamonds is shown. And if it was -1, 1 club of 6 clubs would have been shown. 

Say the rounds were going on and the team 2 was on 5 diamonds of 6 diamonds (i.e. 5) In this scenario, if they won they would get a 5 diamonds on top. If they were of 5 clubs of 6 clubs (i.e -5) they would have got a 5 clubs card over.  To remove the 5 diamonds they would have to loose 6 points. To remove 5 clubs they would have to win 6 points in the coming rounds. Whenever a card is added to the pair of 6's the other team's open points are dismissed. 

Say team 1 was on 4 hearts displayed of 6 hearts (i.e 4) then they get back to zero.

There is one last thing about the hands. Say the first player wins the hand and plays 8 diamonds. If the second third and dealer do not have a diamond and they also do not have any color, the hand will go to the first player. This means that the person who plays first typically has an upper hand.

If you did count the points carefully you would have realised that there were only 28 points in total. The last point goes to the team that wins the last hand :) and hence the 29 !!

I hope it was clear enough for people to play :D

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