July 31, 2010

31. NaBloPoMo Last Entry

A month full of attempts. A month full of daily scribblings. A month full of adventure.

That is finally over. Catch you next at NaNoWriMo - i.e. National Novel Writing Month.

All the posts at my blog :D

July 30, 2010

30. '29. The Game' Contd...

Once the color has been set, the round (for which the bid was made) begins...

                     Dealer (team 1)

Third (team 2)                                First (team 2)

                    Second (team 1)

There are a few things which I missed out:
1. If the first player gets all 4 pointless cards, he returns the cards to the dealer and the dealer distributes again. 
2. The cards 1-5 and jokers are kept in a stack (initially open so that they don't get mixed with the other cards and later on closed after setting the color.)

Before starting off playing the round, if any player has all the 4 Jacks, the dealer distributes again and the bid happens again. 

Also there is a concept of single hand, where one player claims to defeat the players of the opposite team single handedly. Say the first player is playing single hand. In that case all the cards of the third player are dropped and hidden from all the three players and the first player plays with the dealer and second player. All that the dealer and the second player need to do is catch a hand. There is no color in single hand. Its a game of superiority wherein (J>9>A>10>K>Q>8>7).  

Now, say everything is normal and the third player won the bid at 21. Therefore, in the above scenario team 2 has to make 19 points and team 1 has to prevent them from doing so. 

The round starts with the first player getting to play first. The first player puts 1 card of his 8 cards (typically a J or a pointless card, if he doesnt have a J). Then the second player plays. 

Say the first player played a J of hearts, then the second player has to play a card of hearts, if he has it (Suppose the second player has a hearts card, he would typically play the pointless one, as J would likely win a hand.) If the second player does not have a card of the suit hearts, he can ask to see the color. In this case the third player who had set the color, reveals the color to all. 

Say the color is clubs. Then the second player to win must play a clubs. Let's say the second player played 7 clubs over J hearts. This 7 clubs is superior to J hearts at present, as clubs is the color.

Then the third player plays. If he has cards of hearts, he has to play hearts. If he too does not have hearts, he can take the hand, which was going to the second player by playing a clubs card of value higher than that played by the second player. 

Say the third player too does not have hearts and plays 8 clubs.

The hand now is in the favor of the third player. as 8 > 7

The dealer should have a card of the suit hearts. Or else the first player has all the cards of the same suit, in which case the round is cancelled. The round is also cancelled if any player has all 8 pointless cards. The round is also cancelled if a team has all the color cards.

Say the dealer plays 10 hearts. So the hand goes to the third player and he gets to play first. The team 2 now has 4 points (J (3) + 10 (1)).

At this point, if any 1 player of team 2 has both K & Q of clubs (color pair) he can show it to reduce the bid from 21 to 17. 

Say the last hand went to the second player (J hearts, 7 clubs, 7 hearts, 9 hearts) instead and any 1 player of team 1 has the pair. In that case, they can show it to raise the bid to 25.  The bid difference on showing pairs is given below:

  • 17 - K,Q no significance
  • 18 - K,Q no significance
  • 19 - K,Q no significance  
  • 20 - K,Q self (-3 to 17) opposite (+3 to 23)
  • 21 - K,Q self (-4 to 17) opposite (+4 to 25)
  • 22 - K,Q self (-4 to 18) opposite (+4 to 26)
  • 23 - K,Q self (-4 to 19) opposite (+4 to 27)
  • 24 - K,Q self (-4 to 20) opposite (+4 to 28)
  • 25 - K,Q self (-4 to 21) opposite (+4 to 29)
  • 26 - K,Q self (-4 to 22) opposite (+3 to 29)
  • 27 - K,Q self (-4 to 23) opposite (+2 to 29)
  • 28 - K,Q self (-4 to 24) opposite (+1 to 29)
  • 29 - K,Q self (-4 to 25) 

Each round has 8 hands to be played. The player who wins the hand gets to play first in the next hand. Like in the above case third played would have got.

At the end of the round, points of each hand a team has won is counted. Say team 2 got 5 hands and made 23. Then it won the round and its score increases by 2 (as 21 is generally a autodouble.) If autodouble is set at 22, team 2's score increases by 1. If say autodouble was set at 21 and team 2 had taken a re-double then team 2's score would have increased by 4. 

Else it would have been -1, -2 or -4, as the case be. 

The score is reflected by showing as may diamonds of (6 clubs 6 diamonds) as the case be. So if it is 1, 1 diamond of 6 diamonds is shown. And if it was -1, 1 club of 6 clubs would have been shown. 

Say the rounds were going on and the team 2 was on 5 diamonds of 6 diamonds (i.e. 5) In this scenario, if they won they would get a 5 diamonds on top. If they were of 5 clubs of 6 clubs (i.e -5) they would have got a 5 clubs card over.  To remove the 5 diamonds they would have to loose 6 points. To remove 5 clubs they would have to win 6 points in the coming rounds. Whenever a card is added to the pair of 6's the other team's open points are dismissed. 

Say team 1 was on 4 hearts displayed of 6 hearts (i.e 4) then they get back to zero.

There is one last thing about the hands. Say the first player wins the hand and plays 8 diamonds. If the second third and dealer do not have a diamond and they also do not have any color, the hand will go to the first player. This means that the person who plays first typically has an upper hand.

If you did count the points carefully you would have realised that there were only 28 points in total. The last point goes to the team that wins the last hand :) and hence the 29 !!

I hope it was clear enough for people to play :D

July 29, 2010

29. The game

There is a card game called '29', which has been one of my favorite pastime. It was so addictive that we used to have night-outs playing the game. And since its 29th I thought of bringing the game to light of those who are not aware of it.

29 is a game that is widely popular in the eastern regions of India. The game is played between two teams of two players each, i.e. 4 players. No team member sits next to the other. In other words team members sit across each other.

The game is played using 32 cards, which are 7, 8, 9, 10, A, K, Q, J of all suits. The other cards also have great significance. The cards 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of all suits and the jokers are used for defining a priority (will explain this later). The four 6's are used for keeping track of scores of each team. One team has 6 clubs and 6 diamonds and the other team has 6 hearts and 6 spades. For keeping track of scores initially the two cards are kept on top of each other and facing each other such that no one can see either of the 6's. This indicates a zero. Initially both the sets of 6's is kept at zero. Further, the choice of the heart and spade set or the clubs and diamonds set is subject to who wins the first bid. This is where the game begins.

After the 32 cards have been shuffled and the party clockwise next has 'cut' (card parlance) , as in removed some cards from top or bottom, the dealer (who is one of the players) distributes the cards. The dealer gives each player 4 cards to begin with starting with the player who 'cut' the cards and ending with himself. Also, the deal gives the 4 cards in one go to one player and not one card at a time. Players bid after that and once the bidding is over, the dealer distributes the remaining cards in the same fashion.
                    Dealer (team 1)

Third (team 2)                                First (team 2)

                    Second (team 1)

Thereafter, the bidding starts, with each player having 4 cards with him. The player who was given the first set of 4 cards gets the chance to bid first. The first player may choose to pass the bid. In that case the second player gets the chance to bid first. Similarly if the second player also passes the bid, the third player gets the chance to bid first. If all the three players other than the dealer pass, the dealer shuffles and distributes the cards again.

The minimum bid is of 17 points (some people play with 16 points as well). This means that the player is bidding that he will be making at least 17 points at the end of the round (will be indicated later).

Before I continue explaining, the points for each card are as follows:

  • Jack (J): 3 points
  • 9: 2 points
  • A, 10: 1 points
  • King (K), Queen (Q), 8, 7: 0 points

The order of superiority of cards is typically as follows:

  • J > 9 > A > 10 > K > Q > 8 > 7

Please note that this relates to all cards being of the same suit.

Getting back to the bidding process. After the first player bids, the second player gets a chance to bid. The second player has to bid at least one point higher than the first player. Say the first player bids 18, the second player has to bid 19 or above. If the second player says 19, the first player can take the bid by bidding 19 (same number). For the second player to win the bid, he will have to raise the bid till the first player passes. Then the third player gets to bid and fight with the first or second player. And finally the dealer gets to fight with the first, second or third player (whoever wins the bid).

The second player may also choose to pass. In that case the third player gets to bid. If the third player also passes the bid, then the dealer gets to bid. The bid can be fought in between the following parties:

  • first & second;
  • first & third;
  • first & dealer;
  • second & third;
  • second & dealer; and
  • third & dealer.

In any event, the first in order gets to stay (or call an equal bid) to claim priority. In total, to win a bid, all the remaining three players should pass the bid placed by one player.

The bid is fought on the 4 cards in hand. The person who wins the bid gets the chance to decide the 'color'. The color can be set from either:

  • the cards 1-5 of different suits and jokers, that were kept aside initially; or 
  • the seventh card's suit, i.e. the suit of the second/third card (selected by the player) of the next 4 cards, which the dealer would provide the player (the player does not get to see his remaining 4 cards while choosing this option. He may however, see which 'color' has been set)
In the first case, the color can be either of the four suits, i.e. hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades or Joker. When either of hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades is chosen as the color, the cards J, 9, A, 10, K, Q, 8 and 7 of that suit become the strongest cards in the game. When joker is set no suit claim priority.

When the 7th card is set, the suit of the card set as the 7th card becomes the 'color'. The player keeps the card separately from his set of seven remaining cards (and hidden from others.)

The color is supposed to be hidden from every other player, i.e. the remaining three players and has to be set secretly. No player is aware of what the other player has in his hands. Therefore, 'color' becomes important. To reiterate, the color is set based on the first 4 cards received. Alternately, the seventh card is chosen.

After the bid has finished, the other team might place a double (2 points for a win/-2points for a loss). There might be an auto-double set by mutual consensus for the entire game. This can be 21 or 22 or whatever all the four players agree before starting the game. 

Once the color has been set, the round (for which the bid was made) begins...

To be continued

July 28, 2010

28. A morbid feeling

The mind is morbid. May be its the traffic or the people around or just plain and simple the weather. I am not pretty sure. But it seems that its become too messed up with things in general. Now all it wants is to get into a chill zone and relax.

No pain is felt in a state of numbness. Likewise, no numbness is felt in a state of pain.

Well there are 3 more posts to go for completing the NABLOPOMO promise.

July 27, 2010

27. Two Seven 'lists'

After good food and drinks all I want is to scribble along. So after a not so good as usual day and bad bad traffic and not getting time to 'v-cube', this is what I've got:

Seven (7) things I want to do:

  • Gliding - The air gliding and not the para-gliding :P
  • Spending an indefinite vacation in at a randomly landed location
  • Write a book
  • Play with a tiger cub
  • Drive at a speed > 200 kmph  
  • Teach 
  • Work-out :P:P:P:P

Seven (7) current favorite songs (Song name - movie):

  • Gal mithi mithi - Aisha
  • Mora piya - Rajneeti
  • Lafangey parindey - Lafangey parindey
  • Pee Loon - Once upon a time in Mumbai
  • Ranjha Ranjha - Raavan
  • Udaan - Udaan
  • Behne De - Raavan

July 26, 2010

26. Yay !! I am in love with UPS and v-cubes

I placed the order on 21st midnight and they brought it home to me on 26th. And that too all the way from Greece. See the picture below :). The illusion has already been tweaked with :D
Am off to cubing :D

July 25, 2010

25. Working Sunday

Since I slept most of Saturday, I had to work on Sunday, which anyways was half-hearted.

Tried waking up since 7:30 but eventually woke up at 10:30. From then onwards till 3 PM did what was supposed to be done. Thereon, played cs :)

It was fun playing cs after so long. Now I shall continue to do so and may be eat something once the cook arrives. And will read the Lazy Sunday Book :P Its been there to read since quite some time now.

July 24, 2010

24. Sleepy Saturday

Yesternight I went to a party - all ex-colleagues from previous firm. They called me up at midnight. There was booze and music. I did not realize when I dozed off. All I remember was that I was hungry.

I woke up at around 8:40 AM and left for home. After I came home, I again dozed off. Woke up at 1ish and had food. Then slept till 5 or so. Thereafter, have been thinking of starting my work, but haven't. Will probably do it tomorrow only.

Its a short short sleepy note from my desk today. Might doze off soon.

July 23, 2010

23. I am tired

Its just getting bewildering by the day. The amount of work versus the time available gets lesser and lesser. It becomes humanly insane to handle the quantum with the tantrums day in and out.

The constant urge to walk into the wild lingers every other moment.

Why do we work? Is it that we have to sustain ourselves and our beloved ones? Yes I believe that is the primary objective which gets blended with the lust of having more and more. They say you die the moment you stop desiring. I believe that's in a nutshell the biggest lie. You start living when you stop desiring. Instead of fooling around for things material or immaterial, the focus shifts on doing what you are. Call me a nomadic saint or a numbed addict, it doesn't really change the stupor.

The lack of patience and the angst in the write can be purely attributed to the lifestyle I have been accustomed to. Its a calm state and thought that is required to execute to perfection. Apart from 'calm' and its buddies, every other word falls in place. There is just hush hush hush.

What pisses me off is that everyone is inherently an escapist. Nobody really wants to do anything. Its like one wants  to sit and get paid. Or rather sit, gossip and get paid. There is like a constant urge to shove things away from oneself. To add to that is a sense of insecurity and a lack of ownership. Believe me, given a work to do and provided it messes up, everyone is really upto playing the blame game. What is really sad is that what makes an ethical world i.e. ethics stay no more. Its rather stupid to expect to be ethical and have a pleasant state of affairs. One would rather be pulled into the hurricane of corruption and bureaucracy instead, by doing so.

If you have read so far, I believe you do understand that I am referring to a general state of affairs of present day jobs; which just irritates me.

Given that, I need to chill out and so will play an FPS and kill some buggers and then later tomorrow work in peace.

So long.  

July 22, 2010

22. The Philosophical Bent

In times like these, its just bizarre to be attempting to live,
For its just a fear that keeps constantly pulling every eve.

Is it worth to fight for the heart?
Or is it just another matter left to start?
Will there be a thought never, that comes straight from the heart,
Without the fear of landing up somewhere ripped apart?

I am not able to find a link between energy and synergy,
As there is no rhythm in this anarchy.
There is no room for free thoughts or eager hearts,
Its just a misconception full of magical arts.

The only peace lies within pure tunes,
Ripped open by numbed up goons.
It's like in the valley that flows far across,
Deep within the woods that engross.

I can't write no more,
There is no heart that feels,
There is no gain in this constant pain,
All there is, is just wish to be a kid again.

July 21, 2010

21. Yay I finally placed the order

I am not going to write much today. Just that I finally placed the order for a cube collection :)

You can view the collection at https://v-cubes.com/ 

Am just waiting for it to come so that I can make more patterns. Kind of running out of shapes on the smaller one :P

Its been hectic today and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

July 20, 2010

20. Today's lesson

 The lesson for the day is that no effort goes fruitless :P

Well I just made it up. I fail to understand how can there be a lesson each day or rather how can one learn just one lesson each day. There are abundance of things to learn and interpret. For instance, take the test below:

Sort the following in an order you would prefer:

Cow, Tiger, Sheep, Horse and Pig

This is probably a standard question in a personality test and my answer is in general:

Tiger, Horse, Cow, Sheep and Pig

I will give the explanation to this later. But before that try and figure out whom (someone whom you know and who knows you) would you associate with Yellow, Orange, Red, White and Green (another popular question circulated in personality tests)

If you are getting a feel then this is what I learnt from a personality test I took - The meaning and significance of these questions. There was another forward today that had pictures of gymnasts trying to balance themselves at exotic locations, which taught me another lesson - how it feels like to live on the edge. Well I didn't just learn from forwards, the talks in work also teach you. Today, for instance I learnt that somethings are better dealt when handled with constant persuasion.

Coming back to the first question above and the one that follows:

Each animal signifies something. So the order in which you choose depict your priorities. Tiger symbolizes pride, Horse symbolizes family, Cow career, Sheep love and Pig money :). Well this might not be the way everybody interprets, but this is how it was explained.  So as per the explanation my priorities would be Pride, Family, Career, Love and Money - can't really say its true or not. As for the colors, each color has a significance and I would leave that to you to figure out. Hint: Red is the one whom you are very close to, as red is the color of blood - strong bonding.

Go figure out what the two answers meant for you :)

July 19, 2010

19. The end of teens

Yesteryears remind me of the end of teen year, when there was a transition from the sophomore to the third year.

Things change as and when you grow out of teens. The reminiscent kid starts to fade away slowly and non entertaining stuff start coming your way. I would say that inherently everyone wants to do something one wants, but then is tied by circumstances to do things which probably one doesn't want to do. While this is also an age where most of the people start finding loved ones in life and most of them tend to forget remaining world in the spirit of youth.

I am not going to tell you about my romantic escapades. That's a long old bygone story. Instead I will try and bring out the differences in individuals by the end of sophomore.

By this time most people find friends, partners whom people want to spend their lives with, heart breaks, instruments one can play, alcohols of choice, tobacco of taste, music that blends with the high, subjects of desire, subjects that kill desire, games that can change life and the list can go on and on.

This is when people actually have some time in their hand and they start developing a relationship with the ones or the things they like. Otherwise, they spend time getting healed of strokes faced in the initial years. Not to forget that some of them do find themselves actually liking studies.

Speaking based on past experience, this is the transition year from peace to ultimate peace. Lesser academic load and greater bandwidth usage. That sums it all I guess. The stuff I picked up in the third year are probably still stuck with me somehow or the other.

Well I turned 19, when I was in the sophomore year. There are people who don't or who do earlier. The story is similar generally, as it is not about the age in general, but the experience at that point in life :)

July 18, 2010

18. The Lazy Sunday Post

The day of the week, which is kind of the best and not the best. The reason it is best is that mostly every person, in general, has a holiday to relax at home, watch movies, play games, sleep etc. etc. i.e. do the thing one wishes to do.

What I prefer to do is laze around till no one pushes me off. Since morning I had tried to get out of bed for quite some time. The maid never came and nobody was in the mood to cook. So we went out for food, which we typically do, as most of us are lazybones.

The place was called "Coco palm", a typical South Indian cuisine joint. I don't and didn't like it pretty much. But since its a place my folks like we went. The chicken chettinad meal wasn't as good as it could have been.

I had decided to spend the day reading "The Lazy Sunday Book", a book from the Calvin and Hobbes collection by Bill Watterson, but was lazy enough not to even open a page and go ahead. Instead, I was watching various videos on youtube and was searching incessantly for stores in Delhi NCR that would have the Rubik's revenge/professor or the v-cube collection. Unfortunately, I have not been able to identify one yet. But I am still on the look out. The problem is that the v-cube is made in Greece and they probably don't find India a lucrative center for export, as the cubes are pretty expensive. A 5 layered cube would come at approximately Rs. 1100/-, excluding shipping expenses.

Anyways, the plan now is to play Uncharted at hard and unlock the devil mode, called the crushing mode and play it in that mode :). Haven't been playing much on the ps3 these days as it takes lot of time to get out of the addiction, once I get hooked to it. Then probably sometime later, I would perhaps open "The Lazy Sunday Book", if I am in the mood to and we don't decide to watch a movie or something.

I will close the post for the day with one of my favorite lines from another of the Calvin & Hobbes collection book named "Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snowgoons":
"The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present".

Oh I forgot to tell why it ain't the best. It freaking reminds of the Monday to come and the 5/6 days of work.

July 17, 2010

17. Inception Deception

I am still trying to figure out whether I really liked the movie or not !!

The movie is definitely worth watching :D. I typically do not go ahead and watch a movie based on its rating. But somehow I did get the rating for the movie. Also, Christopher Nolan is known for his stuff. I actually regret not watching it last night. As I had dozed off at some point of The Dark Knight, when two face was being fired up at the hospital and joker was running off. I had thought that the movie did end out there.

Today, I was of the opinion in the first half that I should doze off. Then the problem of missing parts making me lose every bit of the movie, made me cling on.  So I decided to watch and I watched. The central theme is beautiful. The music is cool. Certain effects are brilliant. Overall since it prevented me from dozing off, it is definitely worth watching :). But, you may end up having a headache at the end.

Next in line is the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Lets hope to have some more fun.

July 16, 2010

16. Laziness Personified

While people look forward to going out and partying all night on Fridays, my tendency is to stay home and relax and do the same on Saturdays :D.

 I have been denying good offers to go out since the evening. And I have at least 3-4 hrs of work to do, which I am not sure when will it be done.  The agenda is to get it done tonight and party Saturday and Sunday.  Friday's ecstasy is going to be a food joint named Bernados, that has been recommended by people to my bro n sis-in-law. I guess Goan cuisine is going to be interesting.

Next in line is "Inception" and "Sorcerer's Stone" (actually apprentice, which somehow comes out as stone, whenever I try saying the name.)

The laziness streak is still on and I am not willing to scribble more :P

July 15, 2010

15. The hunt for the Rubik's

I somehow left work early this evening. While I was driving back, the thought came to my mind of getting to the biggest mall in Gurgaon (NCR) and find out some stuff. I was running out of meds and was looking for Rubik's cubes (not the 3x3x3).

There was a hush hush as I reached there at around 8:20 PM and shops close by 9 PM. How sad !! Anyways, parked the car, had the puff and rushed off.

Pit-stop 1 - The reliance mart toy zone.
This was the place I had expected to find what I was looking for. It amazed me when he showed me 3x3x3 cubes that were hidden and I mean hidden. The cubes were under the rack of toys and there was a lid covering it, as though it was a storehouse.

Pit-stop 2 - Westside toy zone.
The reliance mart chap gave me a comforting assurance of having run out of stock and that I should find what I am looking for in "Webside". I asked him twice, just to ensure that it was Westside, but each time he said "Webside". Anyways, I moved up floors and rushed to the store. Believe me, there is no toy section there. Just a tiny section with a very very select stock. That was disappointing.

Pit-stop 3 - A floor tagged "Kids, Teens and toys".
This was the same floor as "Webside" was, and as I was reaching the floor I had seen the display next to the  escalator. That had given me the hope that I would definitely find something here. Anyways, thats all folks. I walked from one store to another in dismay. Finally, I decided to give a shot to the other super-mart,  as that was the only place in the mall where you might find meds.

Pit-stop 4 - The Big Bazaar.
Someone asked me to try out the toy section of Big Bazaar, probably the reliance mart guy, and mostly everyone suggested the same for meds. I was hopeful of at least getting the meds and not having spent the entire time and pay 40 bucks for parking as well. Reached the floor and hit the toys section. I did not find it pretty bad and thought that there might be a chance, which was brightened by the appearance of a dismantled 3x3x3 cube. It turned out that they too had run out of stock. So I inquired for the meds section and was directed to go straight. I walked and walked and walked. It was about 150 m away and lied somewhere in a corner. The very appearance of the meds section just turned me down. There were the commercially available herbal stuff and yeah a BIG BIG display of condoms. That not only killed my time, but also killed my appetite for having the green apple twist at mac-d's.

Pit-stop 5 - The medical store in the neighboring society.
I stopped by the neighboring society to get my meds. One needs to walk into the society, the D block or something to reach there. I hate walking at times. Although, I love it most often. But this time it was just tiring after the hour long drive. The shop was crowded. In a less than 15 feet by 10 feet by 8 feet space, with little space to stand. This is a meds shop, not a mall. If you go to one, you will find meds in every possible nook and corner and but space to stand. The lucky thing was that I did get my meds :) and reached home happily.

Pit-stop 6 - Home
Reached home and BOOM - no A/C. That sucks. Its damn humid and without A/C its like living in marshy lands. Anyhow, since it had to be written, I sat down and played the tracks I like and as the music soothed my heart, the A/c hit in and gave me the spirit to sit and write !! Next in line is the much awaited pasta for dinner :)

So long,

Absolutely Lost

July 14, 2010

14. "Mirchi sunne waale always khush, always khush"

98.3 aka Radio Mirchi has the tag line "Mirchi sunne waale always khush, always khush" followed by "Raadiio Mirchiii ..  Raadiio Mirchiii".

Mirchi is chilli, which is supposed to be hot and probably hence the name. The station is no doubt one of the best stations, as I have not switched to another station for around two weeks now. The reason for not switching might also be associated with my laziness of tuning the car stereo to another frequency, which until a while ago just refused to play at all.

Today, they were broadcasting a campaign, which actually made me "khush" i.e. happy. Apparently, there are pretty bad ads, which irritate people who then do further ridiculous acts and eventually lead to harming themselves and nature in turn. Like one of them goes this way - A guy named Raju listens to an ad, gets frustrated, then shoots at his boss, then shoots at his cab driver on his way back, who in turn drops him at an isolated bridge. At this point Raju decides to commit suicide and so jumps off the bridge. As he jumps off, an oil tanker passing by sees him and tries to protect him, but in turn spills the entire oil  tanker into the ocean, which whales intake and die and so Raju goes to jail. And finally they say that to save Raju and Whales, such ad should be prevented from reaching ears. And hence the campaign, which is probably named "Mirchi Kaan (ear) Bachao (save)contest". I would recommend that you  tune into mirchi and listen to it completely and understand why it gives a pleasure.

I will continue listening to Mirchi for sometime and remain Khush :)

July 13, 2010

13. Just visiting

Time to write is limited,
So just came to say that I am fried,
By the question asked in deep sleep,
Will you take me somewhere?

July 12, 2010

12. The drive back home

There was a heavy heavy downpour by the time I usually leave from office. This was the indication of an exponential increase in the time that I would require to get back home. Well, the decision was made to sit back and gossip till the crowd reaches home and the roads become drive worthy.

Even though the idea was to sit back and gossip and vile out time, it eventually did not turn up into much gossip. It rather turned into doing extra work at the eleventh hour. Anyways, all is fair in work and war. The time to leave had to be postponed owing to the turbulence created from news being broad-casted about trees falling and water clogging routes and so on and so forth.

Finally, the heart was made ready to hit the paddle. The drive started off easy till the first 200 ms. Then came a puddle, or should I be saying a lake. It was not the first time that I was driving based on an estimate of where the road would be rather than actually being able to catch a glimpse of concrete. This is what I would be calling the beauty of Concretion. Well after about 40 ms or so I did get a chance to get back on solid grounds. There on I thought that the road would be better. But that was a bad bad assumption. I had barely moved some 50 ms till the time i reached another lake. Well thereafter there were fewer lakes and my poor friend had to breeze through 2-3 feet deep water or should I be saying water beautified pitch black by the underground links.

What troubles me is not the water itself, but the roads which fail to cope up with such short bursts of rain. Every year the same thing happens and every year the roads are repaired. This causes the roads to get clogged mostly round the year. Sometimes it is the rains, sometimes its construction and sometimes it is just the bulk of traffic merging from 8 lane roads to 3 lane roads. The initiatives that are taken to resolve the crisis might always be cryptic to me, but I do hope that there are initiatives, as I don't think it would be a wise idea to just work from home all the time. You know what the saying is: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

It's time to grab a bite. Hence, time to sign off !!  

July 11, 2010

11. Not feeling like writing

Well, there are good days, bad days and in general there are the lazy Sundays. Today is one of those Sundays. I had a pretty not so happening weekend. The normal weekend feeling is to sleep and sleep and sleep. Unfortunately, could not do that. Instead, had to take the car to the service station. Poor buddy needed to have some medicines, as he has been on a rough patch lately. Of course not to say the 60 odd kms he is been constantly been put to on a daily basis. But the worst part was the dinner.

We all went to have some nice Italian food at a joint called 56. The place has got rotten service, but it used to have good food, that precisely being the reason we had not blacklisted it. But even that wasn't great. The pizza was just not too bad. However, the lazania was damn bad. It was the dish why we had chosen not to blacklist it. So now we don't have much of a choice, but to blacklist it.

Although, the weekend was lazy, I did manage to buy myself another of the treasured "Calvin and Hobbes" collection book, which I know will be rejoicing, as others of the same series have been. I still need to read 2/11 of the "Quick & Flupke" series by Herge. But, that would have to wait. The last night's match between Germany & Uruguay was awesome. I hope tonight is equally awesome :D. So I will be off to see the closing ceremony and the match that follows :D 

July 10, 2010

10. 10 random lines

1. SLEEP till nobody buzzes me
2. LAZE till no need be
3. WAKE till eyes don't shut
4. DREAM till I don't get it
5. DRIVE till I can
6. PLAY till the game ain't finished
7. LISTEN TO MUSIC till neighbors start screaming
8. WATCH MOVIES till the DVDs stop playing
9. NOT STUDY till the extreme moment
10. LOVE till the one doesn't leave me

July 9, 2010

9. The magic number 9

You would have read about three and "The square root of three" by David Feinberg

But ever wondered why is nine the magic number?
And tried to figure out why the cat has nine lives?

If you wish to read the story, then click your way to glory.

Nine reminds me of chant, a dreamer learning to enchant,
And guns and bombs of district 9.
Well, I did miss out cloud number nine,
Which might be a descendant of Harrison's nine.

There is also a movie called nine,
And another too based on nine.
Not to forget our planets nine,
Ninth of which is Hades in myths of time.

I guess that makes nine for 9,
And also my post number nine :)

July 8, 2010

8. Learning to write

The day it started, the words weren't directed,
It was just a trial run, that had a desire to come.
While I was to be the necromancer, and tell you the right answer,
The throw went out of kilter, and seems did heed little ear. 

So here I am trying again, and writing an ode to the sparkling city lights,
That I see through the mist and rain, and when I end up waking nights.
There lies a sky too high, and a road with loads of cry, 
Beyond the borders of my seventh heaven high, lie far across twenty seven sky-highs.

Right below my eye is the walking track, a badi court and a basket dry,
That touch the society's border, beyond which start mazes of shacks that shy.
I can see a road mile long, which starts from a primary school bordering along,
Where there are kids during day, who make noises that go far long.

The best part lies far far across, apartments made of concrete and glass,
That spill fumes out day n night, and towers that shine at night in class. 
A sweet breeze kisses my cheek, as I stare blank right across,
Into a city instead of green grass, which was once sparkling gloss. 

Close your eye and try this once, after having read along,
Make a wish and land on an isle, far from home far from gong.
Imagine an ocean across with sails high, that keeps kissing the blue blue sky,
And golden sands making no cry, but singing out loud of those tides high.

July 7, 2010

7. Save a DAY, save a LIFE

I am not talking about monetary benefits out here. The facts have changed and life seems to become lifeless.

Well, ever since I moved to the National Capital Region, things were never the same. I originally hail from a place that's far from being called a metro. There was a big courtyard and there were trees in the backyard. There was also a BIG playground in front. The nearest picnic spot was just an hour away (about 40 kms). From there the paths of education took me to another place, that was far from being called a city. Five years spent there were in the arms of nature. There were times when the lack of food and city like luster lead to having some extra booze. Even then, life was calm and peaceful in-spite of toiling around (yeah at least at times :P) trying to understand the EXTREME technologies that lay foundations for modern living.

August 2007 gave me the first glimpse of what it was going to be like. When I landed on the station, fortunately my friends were there and I was not as lost, as I would have been. Eventually, I took a cab from my friends place to reach the place that was to be my home for quite some time. I admired the flyovers, the smooth roads and the lighted city. Well, it was a weekend, and traffic is normally light on weekends.

Things changed the very next day onwards, when I realized the lack of basic means of transportation in one of the poshest region of the nation. At times, I have walked 3-5 kms for work. It was still OK as  my office used to be around 5 kms. An year and a half passed by and my workplace shifted to inner OLD native regions and a distance of 12 kms started taking me 40mins to 1 hr 30 mins.

Now my workplace is at a distance of approximately 30 kms. There are as many flyovers en-route as matches in a box. While I have a liking to drive, it doesn't please me much to drag the poor old car at 10 kmph. Driving at higher gears is a luxury. There are two routes that can be taken to reach work. The upcoming commonwealth games and rains have made both of them ghastly. The amount of time that it takes me to travel one way is around  45 mins to 3 hrs and it normally takes me around 1hr 30 mins.

Sometimes, the only thought that comes to my mind is WHY did I have to leave the far from metro place and head towards what looked like making a better living. The only thought that comes to my mind these days is of going to a place far from civilization and making a living out there. Imagine yourself away from the noise, the stress and the constant feeling of impatience around. Not only do I believe that life would be more close to life than it is now, but also it would be much more human.

While I was driving back home today, when I saw roads full of vehicles and felt a constant smell of burnt rubber and petrol because of the ultra slow moving traffic, it made me realize the importance of a day in one's life. If one day, the entire city doesn't travel, as in use a vehicle and sit at home or move around walking/jogging, what would the consequence be? There may be a shortage of certain groceries the next day, but that could be worth giving up. Imagine the tonnes of fuel that would be prevented from just burning up and the amount of gases that would have otherwise gone not go. How many lives would be benefited with that? Well thats just a thought I had and put it forward and that's why the title: "Save a DAY, save a LIFE".

See you around !!

July 6, 2010

6. Cooking escapades

Not a day goes by that you don't nibble something, until unless you have decided to go on a sine die hunger strike. Breaking the fast is normally dependent on the time at hand of course. Normally, it gets pushed to a brunch, if not had while driving. Lunch is normally a heart filling deal, as it is that alloted time of the day, when it needs to be had. Not that you are dead hungry, but that you need to spill out and gather the gruesome details. Long after that comes dinner, when it is really an option to actually eat what you want. But then by that time, the energy levels hit rock bottom, so just anything works fine.

Whatever be the meal, the basic tenets of having it is not just having it, but enjoying it. The question is when do you actually enjoy it? Well, it all boils down to how well the meal is made and served. I've always loved to have mom made food, everybody does. From school days to college days to work life, I ended up picking up a few recipes, either by experimenting or by reading/watching them. 

This is a list of 7 dishes, that I have had my hands on:
  1. Cheese Omelette's
  2. French Toast
  3. Tinku (Special kind of Egg Burger - typically found in the region of KGP (kharagpur))
  4. Fried Maggi
  5. Chow mein
  6. Pav Bhaji (something like the image illustrated in: http://www.freewebs.com/currytreat/PavBhaji%20nn.jpg)
  7. Dal, Chawal and Aloo Bhujia (Rice, Pulses and Potato Fries)
The above-mentioned list is neither exhaustive nor chronologically ordered. However, I tried making cheese omelette's only recently. I guess I would like to lay down the recipe which was followed. This is a "must try" for all egg & cheese lovers, as it's not that hard to make :). 

So here is what you need to do to make a cheese omelet:

  • Eggs: 2
  • Onion: 1
  • Green Chili: 1
  • Other veggies (optional): Tomato, Coriander Leaves etc. etc.
  • Grated Cheese: It really depends on how much you want. However, it is advisable that you don't take extra amounts, or else the omelet might break. I would suggest somewhere between 5-8 teaspoon fulls should be enough.
  • Salt: To taste. But beware, cheese and sometimes butter (coming up) are salted at times.
  • Red Chili powder (optional): To taste
  • Pepper (optional): To taste.
  • Cooking butter: 1-2 teaspoons
How to make:
  • Chop the onions, the green chili and other veggies
  • Beat the eggs and mix the chopped items (Mixture)
  • Add salt (if interested), Red Chili Powder & Pepper to the eggs while beating
  • Heat the pan and add cooking butter
  • Lower the flame of the burner before you add the Mixture (It is advisable that you beat a little just before pouring the Mixture into the pan.)
  • Pour the mixture onto the pan and make sure that it spreads evenly. You might want to add a bit of butter on top to cook the veggies
  • Add the grated cheese along the middle of the omelet. This needs to be done with caution. If you leave the cheese near the corners, it might overflow and if the cheese is not evenly distributed along the center (say along the diameter of the omelet), there are chances your omelet will break
  • Now, you need to see if it is the right time to fold the omelet. The omelet is typically ready to be folded in about 40 seconds to a minute or so depending on the heat of the pan. Well its a call that you need to make. The idea is that it should not be too soft to break and it should not be too hard that it doesn't have the right taste
  • Fold the omelet along the diameter (i.e. fold the omelet into half, along the line where the cheese was added)
  • You may want to flip the omelet once to make sure that it cooks properly. This also needs to be done with caution, because there are chances that the cheese might ooze out or if the yolk has not been cooked properly, it might as well ooze out.
There you go !! Your omelet is ready to be taken out of the pan !! Have it hot with a couple of slices of crispy toasted bread.

The next in line is Rava Dosa (A kind of South Indian Pancake). 

Till then its Astalavista !!   

July 5, 2010

4. & 5. On B'days and rains

Dexter says "I was wrong about birthdays. Maybe the reason to celebrate them is what they offer: the hope of living to see another one".

Now you might wonder when! This is not the genius kid that i am referring to, but the serial killer in the series "Dexter".

Ever wondered why the heck celebrate a b'day? I guess the answer would be "NO" under normal circumstances. It's typically a day when you are treated like a King/Queen and have the liberties of having what you want (almost). 

But then there are days in your life when the B'day goes unnoticed, when nobody calls and nobody bothers to remember. Each and every person whom you wished on his/her b'day simply ignored the fact of your existence. Yeah it hurts when you are absolutely alone. It is then that you realize what importance does the day have in life. The perspective is not of making merry and getting wasted. Rather, its a sign to understand how have other lives been affected by the deeds one does. 

Personally, I ain't think much of b'days. Its just another passing day. It comes and goes. I really don't want myself to be spending half the time in anticipation and half the time mourning. Well, I believe its just like the first rainfall. You just don't know when it is gonna happen. But when it does happen, you feel like getting into the rain and beating the heat out. 

The joy of getting drenched in the rain is equivalent to having forgotten the day and been wished by someone close.  

But then the second and the third rain do not give you the same joy as did the first one. Same goes, after a point of time, it just gets boring to keep answering the calls and the 100's of scraps from those who forgot you the entire year and suddenly just dropped in "Happy b'day !! have a blAST [:D] !!".

The best part is the food. Love the hot tea with "pakodas" and the delicacies offered in b'days. It's just what makes the day for you :) 

So if it be the first rain or the first loved one's voice, you are gonna love it if you ain't dying in anticipation for it !!

July 4, 2010

3. Quick & Flupke - Bluffmasters - Superstition

Ok !! You have all read or at least are aware of  comic book series named "The Adventures of Tintin".

The writer and illustrator is "Herge", who is also the same for the series "Quick & Flupke". Unlike Tintin, where you have a continuous plot and the central characters keep playing around making you laugh, Quick & Flupke is full of short gags, which are at times damn hilarious.

The main characters in the series as the name indicates are "Quick" and "Flupke". These two kids just keep playing pranks, either consciously or unconsciously and there is one "Agent 15", who is the local policeman and is always on a look out for the two kids. Most of the times "Agent 15" becomes a kid himself and joins the two in playing pranks.

There are 11 comic books in the series and this one, i.e. "Bluffmasters" is the penultimate of the published books. So the title "Superstition" is one of the gags, which starts of with Flupke telling Quick that crossed knives in a plate bring bad luck and keeps mentioning about things that bring bad luck/good luck like stepping out of house with the left foot,walking under a ladder, a cat crossing your path etc. Quick keeps on trying to convince Flupke that he should not believe in Superstitions. Eventually, they meet up in a hospital at bed nos 13 and 13a and Flupke adds that now they are in super bad situation.

I don't really know what was the lesson inherent, but it is definitely an indication that how much effect do superstitions have in one's life ! This eventually makes me ask one question of whether or not someone controls the existence? If yes, the who controls him? Anyways, lets not get all metaphysical here and try and look at some of the weirdest facts that I am aware of:

  • 'Number 13 is bad and brings bad luck - Friday, the 13th is the deadliest !!'. Alright, does that mean we stop living after we are 13, that someday we are gonna die?
  • 'If there is an itch in your right hand, you are going to get money'. Man, I made my right hand bleed, damn I am still broke.
  • 'You should not pass a green chilli from hand to hand, it makes each other enemies and fight'. Never works, tried it on all people whom I wanted to get into a fight with.
  • 'If you get hiccups, someone's remembering you'. I tried everything to make them go away, but they never stop remembering me.
  • And this is the last that I am posting:
    • 'Give him boiled food, when he is sick, especially when he has jaundice'. Why don't you just ask me to stay on water? A poor sick guy should be given proper nourishment. Agreed, that it should not be a "RICH" diet, but a basic diet is a "MUST".
Anyways, if you come across such superstitions, just lay back and think if it has a scientific reasoning to it and may be then, it might have a decipherable meaning. 

Till then, Adios,

PS: I probably missed, but thats because I was travelling the whole lot, so this should be counted to be in for yesternight.  

July 2, 2010

2. Friday !!

The laziest day of the week begins with blues of a five whole messed up days to come. The worst part is when on the fifth day you realize that you need to get to work the SIXTH day as well !!

Aah !! I am saved of that wretched experience of working in a non ac office on the sixth day and can relax at home and watch movies, listen to songs, give my car for servicing (grrr) and sleep and sleep and sleep. Talking of movies and songs, the last movie "The Fantastic Mr.Fox" that i saw was pretty cool :) George Clooney is probably a savior. He has done an amazing job and put as much life in the character as he did in himself in his numerous flicks.

Although a good one, but not great enough to enter my favorites. My personal favorites still remain "The Illusionist" and "12 angry men". Nothing beats the heat out as much as fighting out on the hottest day of summer to save the life of a teenage kid. If you have watched the movie, you would definitely have observed Fonda's amazing presence. This movie is short, amazingly directed and brilliantly enacted. At the end of the movie, you fall in love with the way things fall into shape. I would give a 10/10 to this flick.

The Illusionist is one of those movies that I can watch again and again and again without saying a word. Edward Harrison Norton became one of my favorite actors post this movie. Not that I was any less impressed with his performance in American History X or Fight Club. The beauty of the movie lies in a well defined plot, great music, amazing dialogues and mostly the direction. If you liked "Prestige", you might want to see this.

Well one can really not tell which is the one favorite movie of all time and I am too sleepy right now to make that comment as well. And I miss having the disc to have played it and been in illusions of my own watching it.

Its good night from my side for the day.

P.S: Do let me know if you watch any interesting movie, which i would not have already watched.

July 1, 2010

1.2 Let's write on today's theme

Take a drive out of Jodhpur, the 'Sun City', and travel towards Jaipur, the 'Pink City' and when you are around 10 kilometers from Jodhpur, take a left and travel towards uninhabited lands. Keep following the road till you reach a railway track and just follow the road, i.e. do not take the crossing and go for a couple of kilometers to find a board indicating that you need to take a right turn and travel five more kilometers for 'Jajiwala Dhora'. It is advisable that you keep your vehicle in controllable speed to avoid collision with a randomly running gazelle.

At 'Jajiwala Dhora', you will find a temple/dharamshala (spiritual dwelling) built by Vishnoi's, a community of people that work for saving trees and wild life animals. In the temple courtyards, wild animals that are either hurt or have potential threat from other animals are taken care of till the time they are ready to wander into the wild. Outside the temple, amenities such as water and fodder are made available for wild animals.

The picture at the top left shows a 2-yr old being fed ( by me ;) ). As far as I remember they named her 'Aarti'. You can see how friendly she has become. And there was a time when she was scared of human contact. The picture on the right shows the area where they keep water for wild animals to feed on.

If you visit the place, you will find gazelle's, peacocks and nilgai (the blue bull). I also had a chance to pamper a young nilgai (probably an year and a half or so).

The place was far from the city and lied untouched virgin. It gave a sense of harmony and pleasure to be in the arms of mother nature, even when it was burning at over 45 degrees Celsius.

I was overwhelmed by the initiative taken to protect the wild. It's steps like these that help maintain balance between nature and concrete. Nurturing the wild like our own babies is not an easy task considering the stress and tension of the modern world.

I wish that people are inspired by the initiative taken and take similar initiatives to protect wildlife and mother nature.